Connecting Dräger Bluetooth gas detectors

In this article you will find video instructions and a step-by-step guide on how  to connect a Bluetooth Pac.

Setup video


Setup guide

Visualization of smartphone dialogs and options is different in Android and iOS..

1. App download and policies

1. Download the app from the Google PlayStore or Apple AppStore. Open the app.

GDC QR Android  GDC QR iOS

2. Read and accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy1_Pac

2. Device location data and login

1. Allow the GDC App to access the device's location data.


2. Open the menu in the top left corner and click on "Log in".

3_Pac 4_Pac

3. Log in with your GDC credentials.


3. Smartphone and Pac pairing

1. Enable "Scan mode" to find Dräger Pac devices nearby.


2. Select the device to start pairing.

Pac needs to be switched on


3. Accept the pairing request.


4. Confirm the pairing code on the Pac and on the smartphone.


5.  The smartphone and Pac are now paired.
