This article provides requirements and step-by-step instructions for remotely installing firmware updates on connected X-Docks.
X-dock firmware updates can be installed directly from GDC. Independent of time and place. All connected X-docks running firmware 03.03.00 or newer will display an "Update" badge next to the currently installed firmware version when an update is downloaded and available to install on the X-dock.
⚠️ Requirements
- X-dock is connected to GDC and online
- X-dock is in the "ready" status. This requires a successful self-test of the X-dock.
- Perform a bump test or calibration on a pac or X-am if the status is "Not ready". The X-dock then performs a self-test.
- Minimum X-dock firmware version installed: 03.03.00
- New firmware update available from Dräger and downloaded on the X-dock
- The firmware file is automatically downloaded in the background without requiring user input.
Step-by-step guide
1. Check if update is available
Available updates are displayed with an "Update" badge next to the currently installed firmware version. Hovering the mouse pointer over the icon displays the version available for the update. If a new update is generally available but the "Update" icon is not yet displayed on the X-Dock, the required files have not yet been completely transferred to the X-Dock. This happens in the background and without requiring any user input.
2. Install update
- Select X-dock from the list.
- Click "Update station" button in the blue bar at the bottom of the screen.
- A confirmation dialog opens. Check whether the correct X-dock is selected.
- Click "Confirm" to start the update process.
- Until the update is fully installed, a "Pending" badge is displayed.